remaining example sentences

Related (5): leftover, remaining, residual, unused, unconsumed

" remaining" Example Sentences

1. There are only 10 apples remaining in the basket.
2. After eating 6 cookies, there were 4 cookies remaining in the jar.
3. We used half the flour, leaving the remaining half for another recipe.
4. There were only five tickets remaining for the sold-out show.
5. The students quickly finished the assigned work, leaving the remaining class time for free play.
6. The entire staff attended the meeting except for two employees remaining at the office.
7. The committee decided to postpone making a decision until the remaining members could be present.
8. The thieves took most of the jewelry but left the remaining pieces of costume jewelry behind.
9. The soldiers destroyed all of the enemy tanks except for two small tanks remaining at the edge of the battlefield.
10. We walked three miles before turning back with two miles remaining.
11. John ate 2 apples, leaving 3 apples remaining in the bowl.
12. All but 5 members of the club showed up for the meeting, with the remaining 5 sending their regrets.
13. Half of the class passed the test, leaving the remaining half to retake it.
14. After remembering to pay several bills, I was left with only $20 remaining from my paycheck.
15. The cook used half the flour, leaving the remaining flour for another recipe.
16. My coffee cup was almost empty, with only a few drops remaining at the bottom.
17. Most of the candy was eaten by the children, leaving only a few pieces remaining.
18. Almost all of the staff attended the meeting, with only two employees remaining at the office.
19. Only two tickets remained for sale by the time I arrived at the box office.
20. All but 10 students passed the test, with the remaining 10 needing to retake it.
21. There are only three days remaining until the big game.
22. After preparing 6 meals, there is only enough food remaining for one more night.
23. All but 2 members attended the meeting, leaving the remaining 2 with the minutes.
24. The hunter shot most of the deer in the field, leaving only 2 remaining alive.
25. Half of the work was completed by Friday, leaving the remaining half for Monday.
26. After paying the mortgage and car payment, only $50 remained from my paycheck.
27. We ate 4 slices of pizza, leaving 2 slices remaining for lunch tomorrow.
28. John finished the first 2 chapters of the book, leaving the 3 remaining chapters for the weekend.
29. There is only 1 candy bar remaining in the jar after the party.
30. Half of the flour was used in the first batch of cookies, leaving the remaining flour for a second batch.
31. The first 24 students signed up for the trip, leaving 6 spots remaining.
32. Most of the money had been spent, leaving only $20 remaining until payday.
33. All but 3 members paid their dues on time, with the remaining 3 paying late fees.
34. We walked 8 miles of the trail before turning back, with 2 miles remaining.
35. The soldiers managed to save only 2 tanks from being destroyed, with the remaining tanks lost.
36. Only 10 minutes remained on the test clock when I finished my exam.
37. The fundraiser collected $900 in donations , leaving only $100 remaining to reach the goal.
38. Half the class passed the midterm, leaving the remaining half to retake it.
39. All but 2 players on the team showed up for practice, with the remaining 2 absent without excuses.
40. John ate 3 of the cookies, leaving the remaining 2 for his sister.
41. The hurricane destroyed most of the houses, leaving only 10 remaining intact.
42. After expenses, only $35 remained from my paycheck.
43. All but 10 members of the club showed up for the meeting, with the remaining 10 sending regrets.
44. I drank 3 of the cans of soda, leaving the remaining 2 for later.
45. John finished 9 of his chores, leaving the remaining 3 for tomorrow.
46. Half of the students passed the test, leaving the remaining half to retake it.
47. The cook simmered the sauce for 30 minutes, leaving the remaining 10 minutes on low heat.
48. Only 5 tickets for the show remained at the box office by the time we arrived.
49. Only 3 days remained before the application deadline.
50. All but 5 people in the office attended the meeting, with the remaining 5 working from home.
51. After subtracting taxes, only $100 remained from my paycheck.
52. We walked 8 miles of the trail, with the remaining 2 miles too difficult to attempt.
53. There are only 5 pages remaining in this chapter.
54. There is only 1 piece of cake remaining in the pan.
55. The gardener picked all but 2 of the ripe tomatoes, leaving the remaining 2 for seed.
56. All but 5 members of the club attended the meeting, with the remaining 5 sending apologies.
57. All of the flour was used except for 1 cup remaining for another recipe.
58. There were only 20 minutes remaining on the test clock when I finished.
59. After buying groceries, only $10 remained from my paycheck.
60. We finished the first 3 chapters of the book, leaving the remaining 5 chapters for next time.

Common Phases

1. There are only a few tickets remaining for the show.
2. The remaining contestants will compete in the final round.
3. The president gave a speech highlighting the challenges remaining in the country.
4. The computer program detected no remaining errors in the code.
5. The team celebrated after completing the race with the remaining competitors far behind.
6. The project deadline is approaching quickly, but there is still a lot of work remaining.
7. The suspects were arrested, leaving no one remaining who could have committed the crime.
8. The debate focused primarily on the key issues remaining unresolved.
9. After a few complaints were addressed, only minor issues remained unresolved.
10. The majority of the work was completed, with just a few details remaining.
11. The children divided the remaining candy evenly among themselves.
12. The soldiers surveyed the area to ensure no enemies remained hiding.
13. The budget needed updating to account for the funds remaining in each department.
14. The investigators gathered all remaining evidence from the crime scene.
15. The students reviewed the questions remaining on the practice test.
16. The living witnesses provided key information on the individuals remaining unidentified.
17. With the majority of the trees cleared, the small remainder remaining were uprooted.
18. The storm wiped out most of the crops, leaving only a small portion remaining.
19. The remaining light from the sunset cast a warm glow over the land.
20. The injured athletes completed the race, though at a slower pace than the remaining competitors.
21. We enjoyed the cookies that remained after the guests had left.
22. The musician continued performing until all the requests remaining on the list had been played.
23. The museum displayed the artifacts remaining from the ancient civilization.
24. The stray cat ate the scraps of food remaining on the plate.
25. The child enjoyed the time spent playing with the toys remaining in the toy box.
26. Most of the snow had melted, leaving only small patches remaining on the ground.
27. The doctor examined the patients remaining in the waiting room.
28. There were a few bills remaining to be paid at the end of the month.
29. The firefighters checked the building for any flames remaining after putting out the fire.
30. Only a small amount of time remained for the students to complete the test.
31. The customers sampled the wines remaining in the display racks.
32. My professor returned the graded tests, leaving eight remaining to be handed back.
33. Only a few tasks remained for the employees before closing time.
34. The photographer captured the majestic scene of the setting sun over the mountains with snow remaining on their peaks.
35. The professor collected the homework assignments remaining in the "turn in" basket at the front of the classroom.
36. The soldiers drank the remaining water in their canteens before setting out again.
37. The painter touched up the areas remaining unpainted on the wall.
38. The waiter cleared away the plates, leaving the bottle of wine remaining on the table.
39. There will likely be errors remaining to fix even after extensive testing.
40. The workers built fences around the patches of grass remaining unplowed.
41. The committee divided up the remaining tasks among themselves.
42. The mayor thanked the volunteers for all their hard work, though many challenges remained.
43. The students answered the remaining exam questions as quickly as possible.
44. The retiring boss passed down valuable knowledge to the employees remaining behind.
45. Only a few puzzle pieces remained unsorted on the table.
46. The field remained muddy long after the rain had stopped.
47. The jobs remaining unfilled were posted publicly to seek new applicants.
48. The class continued working through the problems remaining on the practice worksheet.
49. The house lights gradually faded, leaving the stage lights remaining.
50. The debate ended with several issues still remaining unresolved.
51. There were only a few spaces remaining in the parking garage.
52. Large portions of the land remained undeveloped.
53. The witness's testimony helped identify the suspects remaining at large.
54. The grocery store donated the food products remaining close to their expiration date.
55. The prisoner's hope remained even after years of incarceration.
56. No remains were found remaining at the site of the fire.
57. Thankfully, very little damage remained after the storm had passed.
58. The children enjoyed the small bits of candy remaining after Halloween.
59. The secretary gathered up the papers remaining on the desk.
60. The committee discussed options for addressing the issues remaining on their agenda.

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